Known as SanSan, a Megalopolis that stretches the California coast from San Diego to San Francisco is considered to be a western model of the original megalopolis on the east coast. According to an online dictionary (, the word megalopolis is region made up of several small cities and their surrounding areas in sufficient proximity to be considered a single urban complex.
San Francisco's site characteristics are ideal for a megalopolis. It has the San Francisco Bay which is easily navigable for ships, Port of San Francisco which has been considered a natural harbor, and the Bay is spanned by six bridges (Golden Gate, Bay Bridge, San Mateo Bridge, Dumbarton, Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, and the Carquinez).
The situation characteristics of the Bay Area is also ideal for it to be a megalopolis. With the Pacific Ocean as a route to Asia, the Bay Area has been a stop for freight liners to drop off their cargo. The area is also linked to several major freeways, such as Interstate 5, US Route 101, California Route 99, and Interstate 80.
When considering the urban environment, the bay area has tall buildings, busy streets, crowded housing, and industrial plants in and around buildings that offer events such as the orchestra, museums, and theaters. It also has its share of traffic congestion and air pollution.
According to the USGS, the San Francisco Bay region's population has grown from 6 million inhabitants in 1990 to 6.8 million in the year 2000, a 12% increase. Because of the growth in population there are always going to be problems in a megalopolis. And since we are a culture of urban instant gratification, we can easily get the goods that we need by driving a few miles, or with the click of a mouse. Driving from one place to another helps create traffic jams, so some find it best to work from home, called telecommuting. Not only does this cut back on traffic time, but it has other advantages - spending more time with the family, able to move out of the congested city and into the suburbs, and you are not polluting the environment.